
NCTIES Board 2009-2010

Page history last edited by cindy p 13 years, 10 months ago

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NCTIES Board of Directors 2009- 2010



President - Ellen Minter

Vice President - Barbara Moose

Secretary - Veronica Cowart

Treasurer - Jeff Tudor

Past President - Scott Smith



Regional Directors

Region 1 Cindy Phthisic, Edenton- Chowan

Region 2 Julia Hieronymus, Pender County

Region 3 Dick McFall, Durham County

Region 4 Roxie Miller, Gaston County

Region 5 Judith Ray, Catawba County

Region 6 Jane Milner, Buncombe County

At-Large Christine Hunt, Davidison County

At-Large Amy Cheney, Appalachian State University



Committee Chairs

Grants - Scott Smith

Legislative - Nancy Sands

Media/Tech Educator Awards - Cathy Evanoff

Nominations - Zelia Frick

Scholarships - Sonya Terry

Service Award/ ISTE Affiliate Rep. - Debbie Core

Webmaster - Aaron Slutsky

Communications/ Public Relations - Donna Murray

Vendors - Libby Gray

NCDPI Liason- Neill Kimrey

Registration - Amy Cheney

SIG - Marlo Gaddis


Conference Committee

Barbara Moose, Chair

Ellen Minter

Scott Smith

Amy Cheney

Libby Gray

Cindy Phthisic

Sonya Terry

Jeff Tudor



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