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Poster Session 2
Thursday, March 4th from 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Poster Station 1
How to Provide Successful Professional Development in Technology
Basic how-to steps for the planning, implementation and support of professional development in technology will be provided. Suggested practices will assist in the development of sustainable effective and meaningful experiences for teachers. This presentation addresses the process of professional development and may be applied to any content workshop or training.
Handouts: NCTIES 2010 - Professional Development.pdf
NCTIES 2010 Conference handout.pdf
Sarah Meltzer, Western Carolina University
Target Audience: Administration, Other, Coordinators planning professional development
Poster Station 2
What is the Sk''hype'' about Google and Gaggle?
Kannapolis Middle decided to become a paperless school as much as possible with the assistance of Skype, Google, and Gaggle. Teachers, administrators, and academic coaches use Skype for quick communication, Google for collabaration/organizing daily necessities, and Gaggle email for the students. This session will explain how we do this.
Beth Spell, Kannapolis Middle School
Debby Smith, Media Coordinator
Target Audience: K-12, Administration,
Poster Station 3
The Big Sneeze - Student Created Public Service Announcements
Second grade students planned, researched, and wrote public service announcement videos about germs and flu prevention. This project incorporated health, science, writing skills, information skills and technology skills. We will view sample videos, discuss the process, and share planning documents, research sheets, assessments, and script templates.
Matt Whiteside, Ira B. Jones
Daniel Withrow, Second Grade Teacher
Target Audience: Elementary,
Poster Station 4
Using Classroom Clickers: Best Practices
Gizmos and gadgets galore dot the education landscape. So, do class- room clickers improve student learning? As with any technology, it de- pends on their use. This interactive session will look at current research and best practices for using classroom response systems. Session infor- mation will be available online.
Marty Williams, Asheboro City Schools
Target Audience: K-12, Administration
Poster Station 5
Advanced 21st Century Technology to Keep Students Safe
Main concerns among school districts when the subject of student email is approached, is keeping students safe. A unique anti-pornography scanning tool helps districts meet this concern by providing a means of distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate pictures and URL links. Join us to see this amazing tool in action.
Ryan Keag, Gaggle.Net, Inc.
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration,
Poster Station 6
Do Your Personal Best on the EOG Test
Using the song, ''Do Your Personal Best on the EOG Test,'' students learn test-taking strategies in a fun, upbeat way. Student-created DVDs, dictionaries, board games, and place mats incorporating test-taking strategies help children improve their EOG scores. Digital copies of lesson plans, thinking maps, and music will be available.
Harriet Sherman, Chatham Middle School
Sherry Dougherty,
Gwendolyn Hanner, Chatham Middle School
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle,
Poster Station 7
Using iPods in the Classroom
The presentation will focus on using ipods in the classroom as a center, review, or independent practice. We are creating bodcasts and movies to put on iPods to help improve student achievement. We will use computers, iPods, flip camera, and internet sites.
Micahel Murphy, Conn Elementary School
Dianne Sammarco, Technology Assistant
Brenda Shore, Media Specialist
Target Audience: Elementary,
Poster Station 8
Creating, Evaluating and Analyzing: Using Web 2.0 Tools to Reach the Upper Levels of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
North Carolina's Dept. of Public Instruction has written the Essential Stan- dards based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. Participants are explored to bring laptops to discuss how Web 2.0 technologies can help reach the upper levels of Bloom's.
Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte
Target Audience: Elementary
Merging Technologies: Tutoring with Skype and OneNote
I will give resources, downloads, methods, and suggestions for tutoring students via freeware Skype webcam software. ManyCam is freeware that will be used in conjunction with Skype to allow those involved in the conversation to see your desktop. Microsoft OneNote is an often overlooked tool in collaboration that is comes with any Microsoft Office 2007 suit. Most computers running office have this great tool at your disposal. It will be the platform for working math equations, although Microsoft paint can be used in the same manner.
A wireless writing tablet is a wonderful option when tutoring math and is recommended.
Christopher Wiles, Math Teacher
Technology Showcase A—Exhibit Hall Thursday 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
HP Overview of Solutions of Assessment and Grading
How to better incorporate technology using HP Imaging and Printing products
John Kosch, HP
Target Audience: K-12, Administrators, Other

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