
Concurrent Session 10

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                                                Concurrent Session 10




Friday, March 5th from 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.


Meeting Room 202

Remote Assistance & Desktop Sharing÷ A World of Educational Possibilities

Not long ago, remote computer access required specialty software and complex network permissions but not anymore! Web2.0 now provides us with a litany of options & Ïmany_are_freeÓ. Help a colleague with technical issues in Timbuktu or access your home computer while traveling the world.  Share your screen, offer training, view pictures, or collaborate...You_Decide!  The possibilities are endless.

Anthony Woodyard, Guilford County Schools

David Berry, Guilford County Schools

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 301a

AMTR Update

This is an update of the Annual Media and Technology Report.  This report is used for the School Report Card and Federal Reporting by the Instructional Technology Division of DPI.

Melanie Honeycutt, North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

Target Audience:  Administration,




Meeting Room 301b

Do You Know What They Know When They Know It?

When students exit the classroom, do you know how well theyÌve mastered learning objectives?  Through formative assessment, can you measure how your performance impacts student learning? The use of student response systems engages students while providing educators with instant feedback on student mastery of behavioral objectives, state, and national standards.

Josh Clemmons, Kannapolis Middle School

Ryan Graham, 8th Grade Math Teacher

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 302a

World of Warcraft in School - Learning With the Lich King

Dragons, Elves, Dungeons, and Literacy Skills? †You bet! †Come see how students in Cape Fear Middle's after-school program are developing real, 21st-Century skills in this fantasy-based virtual world and find out how you can get involved!

Lucas Gillispie,

Target Audience:  Middle, High, Administration,



Meeting Room 302b

Got Skype? Now What.....

Skype is now everywhere, even Oprah uses it! Come find out how one elementary school in North Carolina has been taking virtual field trips to all over the globe to help engage students in the classroom. Resources will be shared on how to connect with others around the world.

Stephanie Bode, Dobson Elementary School

Lori Beasley, Dobson Elementary School

Target Audience:  Elementary, Administration, Other, Media




Meeting Room 302c

Integrating Technology Into Problem Based Learning

Problem based learning provides relevant, self-directed learning experiences and builds conceptual understanding with multiple solutions. Technology lends itself well to the PBL process. Through their partnership with The Center of Excellence for Research, Teaching, and Learning (CERTL) see how Kimmel Farm Elementary is working to integrate 21st Century skills into PBL experiences.

Sam Walker, Kimmel Farm Elementary

Walter Carmichael, Kimmel Farm Elementary

Barbara Kibler, Kimmel Farm Elementary

Target Audience:  Elementary, K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 303

Creating Exciting Adventures for Your Students Using Flip Video Cameras

During this hands-on session, participants will experience how teachers are engaging students using the flip video cameras.  Strategies include one-take videos that both the teacher and student can create.  Participants will leave the session with ideas and resources to take back and use in their classrooms.

Nancy Mangum, Wake County

Pam Daniels, Wake County Public Schools

Nancy Mangum, Wake County Public Schools

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 304  (Featured Speaker)

Using Digital Technologies and Personal Learning Networks to Enhance Learning

Cliff Mims,



Meeting Room 305a

Creating, Evaluating and Analyzing: Using Web 2.0 Tools to Reach the Upper Levels of Revised Bloom's Taxonomy

North Carolina's Dept. of Public Instruction has written the Essential Standards based on Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. Participants are explored to bring laptops to discuss how Web 2.0 technologies can help reach the upper levels of Bloom's.

Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte

Target Audience:  Elementary,




Meeting Room 305b

Focus Group: Redesign of the Media Coordinator Job Description and Evaluation Process

NCDPI's Division of Instructional Technology will begin the process of revising the MCPAI in January 2010. You are invited to provide input to the process by participating in this focus group. Facilitators will provide focus questions for sharing and discussion.

Gerry solomon, NC DPI

Cynthia Sartain, NCDPI

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 306a

ItÌs Personal:  Creating Unique, Personalized Lessons Using ActivInspire

Learning can easily become more meaningful to students by simply personalizing lessons with images, audio, and video.  With Promethean's ActivInspire Software, adding these personal touches has never been easier.  This session examines how to personalize lessons and create opportunities for student-centered projects.  ItÌs amazing how these little touches can make such a big difference!

Kathryn Vaughn, Promethean, Inc.

Target Audience:  K-12,




Meeting Room 306b


Differentiating Instruction Using Dramatic Learning/Online Research

Do you need . . . to differentiate instruction for ESL, EC, AIG, on-, above-, and below-grade level students? to help students improve their reading fluency? encyclopedic content, e-books, and primary source material written in 30 languages and on grade levels as low as second grade?     See what World Book's Advanced Differentiated Package and Dramatic Learning has to offer your students!

Gordy Reese, World Book, Inc.

Barbara Mayo, World Book, Inc.

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Title 1, EC Directors, ESL Directors





Meeting Room 306c

Creating an Online Kids Museum

This session will show you how students can create an online kids going green museum using the collaborative website called ÏVoiceThreadÓ. Other tools used for this project-based activity include digital cameras, recorders, and an array of online resources. Lesson, rubric and other material will be available online for the audience.

Mattie Perry Johnson, Y. E. Smith

Target Audience:  K-12




Meeting Room 307

Google In the Schools

Using Google in your schools is becoming more and more of a necessity.  We will discuss lots of different options that are out there. Going through SafeSearch, Maps, API's, Docs and other options.

John Warf, NC DPI

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 402

Hall Davidson, Discovery Education




 Apple Showcase Room 201

"Apple iPod Learning Solutions"  (1 hour) 

Need a 'simple' way to introduce mobile learning to your students? Then you need to join Apple to learn about our "exclusive", streamlined cart that can store, charge and sync iPod devices to the same computer. Learn different scenarios for managing the use of iPods in the classroom as well. 

Apple, Inc.




Technology Showcase A

Sunburst Technology Potpurri

  iClicker – Used by thousands of schools and universities, this easy to use and platform agnostic Student Response System is a must have for your 21st Century classroom. It can be used with ANY interactive whiteboard, no matter the manufacturer OR it can be used with just a data projector and a screen. Teachers can use PowerPoint, Keynote, Internet Explorer, Adobe…. just about any software can be used in the classroom or lab with iClicker.       eBooks – Bridging the gap between books and new technology, eBooks allow teachers to break into a world of new technology while keeping the same look and feel of a formatted workbook. All subject areas are represented including those hard to find high school social studies! All of our e-books contain interactive worksheets that teachers may use /for whole class instruction on their interactive white boards/for assignment to individual students/to email home for completion

Robin Hadden, Sunburst




Technology Showcase B




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