
Concurrent Session 9

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                                                Concurrent Session 9




Friday, March 5th from 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.


Meeting Room 202

Collaboration Beyond the Classroom: Getting Students Globally Connected

Explore the possibilities of extending the classroom beyond its tangible walls through Web 2.0 tools where learning occurs in a variety of ways, times, and places.Ü Engage students in content as they collaborate with other learners hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away.  The globally connected classroom has arrived!

Jessica Swearengin, Mooresville High School

Hollis Owens, Teacher

Target Audience:  K-12,




Meeting Room 301a

Focus Group: Redesign of the Technology Facilitator Job Description and Evaluation Process

NCDPI's Division of Instructional Technology will begin the process of revising the TFPAI in January 2010. You are invited to provide input to the process by participating in this focus group. Facilitators will provide focus questions for sharing and discussion.

Cynthia Sartain, NCDPI

Gerry Solomon, NCDPI

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 301b

Creating Your Own Ning

A Ning provides an excellent space to host your own social network.  You may belong to a few, but how do you create your own? In this session we will go over the basics of creating a Ning, how to customize a Ning as well as best practices in facilitating Nings.

Bethany Smith, College of Education at NC State University

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 302a

Roundtrip Tickets to Anywhere in the World: Google Earth and Discovery Education streaming

Way to goÖyou found your house!  What other ways can you use media from Discovery Education streaming and Google Earth to provide context that your students crave?  Weíll explore ways to use images, video, teacher created content and the Google Earth description box to create virtual field trips that will allow you to take your students anywhere in the world!

Justin Karkow, Discovery Education

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12,




Meeting Room 302b

Digital Natives 3.0: Where assumption meets reality

In this session we will challenge some of the prevailing assumptions about the ways in which digital natives use technologies; assessing students' actual strengths and weaknesses by means of a formative assessment instrument to target areas that require more concentrated development, thus increasing the overall effectiveness of your pedagogical strategies.

Daniel Kelo, LEARN NC

Bobby Hobgood, LEARN NC, UNC Chapel Hill

Target Audience:  K-12,




Meeting Room 302c

Increasing Student Interaction in Your Online Course

In this presentation, activities to increase student interaction in online courses will be demonstrated--session openers, closers, group brainstorms, content reviews, and more. All activities are supported by free Web 2.0 tools or common online course management systems. While online courses are emphasized, activities are also applicable in face-to-face settings.

Kevin Oliver, North Carolina State University

Shaun Kellogg, Sandy Grove Elementary School

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12,




Meeting Room 303

Discovery of Digital Engagement in a Title I School

With the use of mini laptops, flash video cameras, digital-document cameras, and Smart Boards technology will drive instruction.  A team of teachers will share tips on grant writing, equipment, staff development, and support for best instructional practices in order to engage every child.

Joy Rust, Alamance Burlington School System

Tracy Perkins, Alamance Burlington School System

Charlotte Russell, Alamance Burlington School System

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, Administration,




Meeting Room 304  (Featured Speaker)

Social "Learning" Networks

Kevin Honeycutt,




Meeting Room 305a

What's new from SMART Technologies?

As the 21st Century classroom evolves, so do the products and software offerings from SMART Technologies. In this session, participants will learn about the new features and tools in the latest version of Notebook (10.6), explore the new SMART Notebook Math Tools and discover some of the new educator resources available on-line such as Notebook Express, The SMART Exchange, and the SMART education website.

Shayla Rexrode,




Meeting Room 305b

Viritual Manipulatives in Elementary Math Classrooms

Participants will be encouraged to bring laptops to examine virtual manipulatives that can be used to enhance teaching and learning in elementary math classrooms. All resources shared will be free, web-based materials.

Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte

Target Audience:  Elementary,




Meeting Room 306a

Building Early Literacy Skills with Pixie

The National Early Literacy Panel has identified 5 Elements of a Successful Reading Program - phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Come and learn how you and your students can use Pixie to build these skills through a variety of projects that range from skill-building activities to open-ended projects.

Scott Loomis, Tech4Learning

Target Audience:  Elementary, Other, Technology Specialist, Reading Specialist




Meeting Room 306b

Literacy in the 21st Century!

Learn how one Media Specialist and AIG Facilitator collaborated to create authentic digital storytelling projects focused on improving studentsÌ technology and literacy skills. Join us in this beginnerÌs session to see Mixbook and other engaging resources that will move your elementary students into the 21st century! Project ideas and handouts given.

Elizabeth Stitsinger, Club Boulevard Humanities Magnet

Diana Lisle, Academically and Intellectually Gifted Facilitator

Target Audience:  Elementary,



Meeting Room 306c

Wendy Graham, Balfour Elementary




Meeting Room 307

Linux in the Classroom: Free, Easy, and Better Than Ever!

Not long ago, Linux was technical, cumbersome and hard to use.  Now, it's just as easy to use as Windows, completely FREE, secure, and perfect for education.  Learn how to set up a Linux environment for your classrooms/netbooks/laptops.  We will also discuss various software packages, imaging solutions, Windows compatibility, and security considerations.

Mark Samberg, Currituck County Schools

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 402  (Featured Speaker)

I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN: lessons from the Little Engine that Could.

Alice Yucht,



Apple Showcase Room 201

“Why Didn't They Offer Classes Like This When I Was In School?” (9:15 am - 10:45am)

See what it is like to be in a 21st century classroom, where technology is used to engage, discover, and create.  Using laptops and iPod touches, you will participate as a student and experience education like never before, where the world is at your fingertips and learning is actually fun!

Jessica Swearengin, Mooresville High School, Apple Distinguish Educator




Technology Showcase A





Technology Showcase B

CSI@K12:  A New Way to Communicate!

Remember the Pony Express? How about Snail Mail? Communication tools have evolved over the centuries and in today's high tech environment, we enjoy new means of conversing and sharing through Texting, Instant Messaging and Email, etc. The challenge for Education is how to provide these 21st Century Tools for all in a safe, focused, and effective way. Come see how you can have new and exciting Email communication and collaboration tools all hosted in the cloud and completely compliant with CIPA, COPPA, and FERPA. This is a tool that lets students learn, teachers, teach, parents know, and administrators facilitate!

Andy Sakalian, CSI Technology Outfitters


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