
Concurrent Session 8

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                                                Concurrent Session 8




Friday, March 5th from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.


Meeting Room 202

Control Costs with Stategic Resource Management

In todayÌs tough economy, your district may struggle with cutting spending while maintaining student outcomes.  That takes strategic and effective resource management.  Follett SoftwareÌs presentation shows you how to ensure your district accurately tracks and distributes everything from textbooks to trombones, library books to laptops using the Destiny Resource Management solutions.

Larry Bennett, Follett Software

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 301a

NC Windows on Learning

Free access to 3400 magazines (full text), several encyclopedias, and a  host of other online resources - that's NC Windows on Learning ( NC  WiseOwl).  We've doubled our resources in the last year - come hear about the NEW NC WiseOwl provided by NCDPI.

Dan Sparlin, NCDPI

Target Audience:  K-12,




Meeting Room 301b

Field Trips on a Budget: Using Virtual Field Trips in a Tight Economy

Although field trips are a great way for students to connect what theyÌve learned in class with the real world, trips are becoming increasingly difficult in todayÌs economy.   WeÌll show you how weÌve used virtual field trips to educate students and provide resources for you to create your own.

Christine Koroivui, Wake County Environmental Services

Rebecca Dunstan, Wake County Environmental Services

Liani Yirka, Wake County Environmental Services

Target Audience:  K-12,




Meeting Room 302a

Re-Discover Reading:  Utilizing Web 2.0 Tools to Engage 21st Century Learners in Reading Across the Curriculum

This energetic and informative session will highlight Web 2.0 tools that can be utlitized in every curriculum area to enrich students' reading experiences.  Learn how to use creative and inquiry based learning activities to supplement your instructional strategies to promote content literacy.

Shannon Snow, North Surry High School/Surry County Schools

Shelley Bryant, Technology Trainer/Math Teacher

Target Audience:  Middle, High,




Meeting Room 302b

Why Tweet?

Come see what Twitter can do for you. The microblogging site Twitter can be a powerful resource for education. Learn how Twitter can help expand your personal learning, as well as be a powerful tool for the networked teacher and global classroom. We'll explore key elements Twitter offers and the best practices for its use.

Emory Maiden, Winston Salem Forsyth Co Schools

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration





Meeting Room 302c

You can do that with Google?

Google is more than a user friendly search engine.  In this presentation you will hear about some of GoogleÌs lesser-known applications such as their form creator, webpage creator, language tools, Google Books, Google Scholar, and email alerts. 

You will receive numerous tips for personal, classroom, and school wide use.

Wilmenia Gripper, Kannapolis Intermediate School

Charles McKinley, Kannapolis Intermediate School

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 303

''Using Data to Keep Kids 21st Century Savvy''

Hear from Johnston County School District's Director of Instructional Technology on how this district supports students to develop critical 21st Century Skills through a variety of tools that help inform instruction, focus professional development, and make the most of its technology and funding resources. Samples provided of an assessment on students' 21st century skills.

Diana Freeman, Johnston County School District

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, Administration,




Meeting Room 304  (Featured Speaker)

iPod Touch / iPhone Applications

This session will include an overview of top accessories for you Apple Mo- bile device followed by demonstrations of Applications perfect for education as well as personal productivity.

Leslie Fisher




Meeting Room 305a

Motivating Screenagers: Easy Digital Video Production in the Classroom

Participants will learn how teachers from across the curriculum can combine free Web 2.0 tools, simple video production techniques, and project-based learning into lessons that motivate and inspire.  Learn how student-generated digital video promotes creativity and complex thinking while teaching crucial 21st century skills.  On top of all that, it's fun for students and teachers.

Barry Richard Barber, South Asheboro Middle School

Dr. Nichole Smith, Media Specialist

Target Audience:  K-12,





Meeting Room 305b

Digital Makeover: Reading Edition!!

Is it time for your reading lessons to have a makeover?  In this session, we will explore ways to integrate multimedia tools into reading in the content areas.  We will focus on generative strategies that cover three important thinking processes: critical analysis of information; reading for problem solving and inquiry; and

reading for synthesis and drawing conclusions.

Kimberli Doby, Davidson County Schools (email)

Carol Brown, College of Education - ECU

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration






Meeting Room 306a

Systemic Change through Effective Professional Development

What are the five keys to Effective Professional Development that unlock the door to systemic change?  This session describes our approach to implementing an effective summer ''tech camp''.  We will discuss the essentials for supporting teacher learning, nurturing teacher leaders, fostering change, and keeping it alive throughout the school year.

Brenda McCombs, Kannapolis City Schools

Amy Archer, Kannapolis Intermediate School

Target Audience:  Administration, Curriculum Coordinators, Professional Development Staff

Session Power Point with Notes

Link to website resources


Meeting Room 306b

Looking for New Ways to Engage Your Students in the Classroom?

Learning in Virtual Environments (L.i.V.E.) encompasses technologies and strategies adapted from video games uniquely suited to help engage students in solving complex problems while increasing their motivation to learn and ability to master concepts. Join us to discover how the use of virtual worlds, gaming and computer simulation can enhance your students' learning experience.

Barbara Wilder, Data Networks

Target Audience:  High, Administration, Other, Technical



Meeting Room 306c

Google Waves Makes Ripples in the Classroom

Google's new Wave platform provides a unique way to communicate and collaborate, both in real-time and asynchronously. In the classroom, Wave can increase differentiation in both lesson planning and classroom engagement along with expanding a teacher's repertoire of 21st century teaching and learning skills. We explore Wave and its possibilities.

Paul Cancellieri, Durant Road Middle School

Luke Miles, Durant Road Middle School

Target Audience:  Middle,

Slidedeck, Wave Invite Request




Meeting Room 307

Secure, Filter, Monitor, Manage, and Optimize Your Network with a Single Cost-Saving Solution

As threats, regulations, and network usage increase, school network administrators are being required to do more than everÛoften with a shrinking budget and minimal resources. Discover how you can overcome these challenges with Total Traffic Control, a single solution designed specifically for school networks.

Al Rossi, Lightspeed Systems

Andrew Collins, Lightspeed Systems

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration, Other, Tech Directors




Meeting Room 402  (Featured Speaker)

Mania or Managed Chaos (Tips and Tricks for Managing the Technological World of Learning with Little Learners)

This session will share a few hints, tips and tricks for managing little learners as they learn with technological tools: Lab or classroom; handhelds, laptops or desktops; Apple or Windows; teacher-use, groups, or 1:1; cameras, computers and more.... come explore some ideas, tools and resources to make it all a bit less chaotic and a lot more focused on learning!

Gail Lovely




Apple Showcase Room 201

(1 hour)  "Stay in Touch - Apple's Mobile Technology in Education"

See the new capabilities of Apple's exciting iPod Touch Family and it's use in the education. Students get 24/7 ubiquitous learning just by reaching into their pocket.  From eBook readers to language instruction to graphing calculators to media and web browsers, students have access to information tailored specifically for them.

Apple, Inc.



Technology Showcase A

Mastering the Smart Table

Learn how to use the Smart Table to stimulate collaboration among students, how to customize and create lesson activities using the Smart Table toolkit, and how to optimize both whole-class and small-group learning.

Ashleigh Snyder, SEED COMM




Technology Showcase B

ActivArena:  Encouraging Collaboration and Cooperation in the ActivClassroom

Come experience ActivArena, the new dual pen feature of the Promethean ActivClassroom.  Students and teachers can collaborate simultaneously - exponentially enriching the learning experience.  Get some new ideas for collaborative activities using and enhance the possibilities of every lesson!

Kathryn Vaughn, Promethean, Inc.

Target Audience:  K-12



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