
Concurrent Session 6

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                                                Concurrent Session 6




Thursday, March 4th from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.



Meeting Room 202

Collaboration: What Makes it Work?

Building successful collaboration between library media specialists and classroom teachers means having the right resources in place and making sure teachers and instructional specialists know how to use them. In this presentation Follett Software will present some field-tested pointers for integrating the library into the classroom using Destiny Library Manager.

Larry Bennett, Follett Software

Kent Bishop, Follett Software Company

Target Audience:  K-12,



Meeting Room 204

Multi-Media Challenge

Using higher level thinking skills, you can challenge your students to create multi-media projects that will enhance their learning.  Discover ways to integrate these projects into all curricular areas.  Students take responsibility for their own learning by sharing their knowledge through these projects.

Alison Schleede, Mooresville High School

Sandy Sullivan, Mooresville High School

Target Audience:  High,




Meeting Room 301a

Project-based learning 3.0: facilitating student collaboration and building teachers' professional learning networks with free digital tools and LEARN NC

Teaching, learning and assessing with technology mediated tools and Internet-based resources is not just for students. To be successful, teachers also need to collaborate! Integrate new information literacy skills and discover resources that will help you broaden your network and model possibilities for bringing new perspectives and solve problems with project-based learning.

Lesley Richardson, LEARN NC

Melissa Thibault, LEARN NC

Target Audience:  K-12,




Meeting Room 301b

A Journey To A Connected School Leadership

We are asking our teachers and students to be 21st Century but what about our administrators? What is a ''Connected School Leader?'' In this session we will explore simple things can Administrators can do to to grow as professionals. Participants will walk away with a ''toolkit'' full of apps, ideas and people to start their journey.

Steven Anderson, Clemmons Middle School/WSFCS

Target Audience:  Administration,





Meeting Room 302a

Going 1 to 1 in High School

This year Northwood High School went 1:1 with Mac iBookG4 computers for every

student.  What happens at the beginning of the year?  What happens during the first semester?  What happens with Staff development? What an Adventure!

Leslie Jones,

Target Audience: 




Meeting Room 302b

New Adventures in 3D Immersive Virtual Worlds

Take a journey into the use of 3D immersive virtual environments as presenters share STEM and ICT Instructional Worlds: The 3D Experience (STEM-ICT 3D), an NSF project that provides an engaging, safe environment for middle school students and teachers to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math concepts and 3D worlds.

Nita Matzen, Appalachian State University

Penny Barker, Ashe County Schools

Julie Marklin, Davie County Schools

Target Audience:  Middle, High, K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 302c

school + delicious = schoolicious

Would you like to find the coolest websites without hardly trying? Have you thought about sending out your own newsletter of your personal favorites? Now you can! Come learn how to use social bookmarking to contribute to and benefit from the most powerful bookmark network already in place.

Kevin Spencer, Roanoke City Public Schools

Target Audience:  K-12,




Meeting Room 303

Begining our Adventure:  Using the iPod Touches in the Elementary Classroom

During this session teachers will share their favorite iPod touch apps that they use with K-5 students.  Student leaders will also attend the session to share their experiences using the iPod touches and teach the participants how to use them.

Nancy Mangum, Wake County

Randall Miller, Wake County Public Schools

Target Audience:  Elementary,




Meeting Room 304 (Featured Speaker)

Leadership in the Digital Age: Linking Engagement, Assessment & Achievement

The benefits of the digital world have arrived. State legislatures recognized dynamic teaching and assessment environments match 21st Century learning styles. As a result, laws changed in states across the country, enabling digital supplementary materials to replace traditional texts. Suddenly, differentiated instruction became more effective, along with accountability and sharing. Leaders can now build an education that lifts their students into the world where they succeed.

Hall Davidson, Discovery Education





Meeting Room 305a

SMARTer ways to use your SMART Board

Have you used your SMART board over and over thinking what can I do differently? This session is full of best practices to engage students in learning across the curriculum. Learn how to use different tools other than the pens with your students; Lesson Activity Toolkit 2.0; and see some of the latest additions to Notebook Software.

MaryAnn Sansonetti, Education Consultant, The WH PLATTS Company


Target Audience:  K-12,





Meeting Room 305b

Using the SmartBoard to Collaborate Between Kindergarteners-Fifth Graders

2009 Grant Award Winner Presentation - will present with Pam Johnson, Kindergarten Teacher.  We are required to do a presentation because of being award an NCTIES grant.    Kindergarten students and Fifth Graders buddied up to

create SmartBoard Notebooks about the weather.

Rhonda Florence, Hasty Elementary/Davidson County Schools

Pam Johnson, Hasty Elementary School

Target Audience:  , Elementary




Meeting Room 306a

Using Learn360 in the classroom.

Learn how to incorporate Learn360 features into your classroom such as searching for media, creating assignments, setting up user groups/classes and uploading and sharing user-created content. Participants will be given printed material that provides highlights of the session.

Craig Twaddle, Learn360

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,



Meeting Room 306c

Are You and Your Students Responsible Digital Citizens?

As educators, we are expected to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.  In this session, we will explore excellent informational websites for all ages, lesson plans, videos, and games that raise awareness of what it means to be a citizen on the continuing digital journey.

Jackie Parker, Iredell-Statesville Schools

Susan Pope, Iredell-Statesville Schools

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,

Session Links:  http://responsibledigitalcitizens.pbworks.com/FrontPage




Meeting Room 307

Technology Toolbelt for Foreign Language Teachers

This session will explore how technology can enhance the development of all foreign language skills.  Participants will be introduced to a myriad of technology applications for both teachers and students of foreign languages.  These tools provide authentic experiences, increase student engagement and ultimately improve language aquisition.

Margit Lanze, Cary Academy

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration


Presentation Resource:





Meeting Room 402 (1:30 pm - 4:30 pm)

IMPACT Continuation Meeting






Apple Showcase Room 201

"Stay in Touch - Apple's Mobile Technology in Education"

See the new capabilities of Apple's exciting iPod Touch Family and it's use in the education. Students get 24/7 ubiquitous learning just by reaching into their pocket.  From eBook readers to language instruction to graphing calculators to media and web browsers, students have access to information tailored specifically for them.

Apple, Inc.




Technology Showcase A

K to the 8th Power

Offered exclusively thru Sunburst Technology, K to the 8th Power is a powerful and easy to implement web-based solution which helps teach 21st Century Computer Skills across the curriculum. Educators can use over 600+ lessons which incorporate vital technology competency standards with real software such as Kid Pix, Kidspiration, Microsoft Office, Front Page, Publisher and more. All technology objectives are aligned to NETS 2007 and the NC Computer Skills test. In addition, there is a Technology Literacy Assessment designed for 6th -8th graders to measure their progress toward technology fluency. The academic content in each lesson is based on national and state standards so that teachers can assign a lesson based on either a state academic standards or on technology standards. Join us for an overview of this powerful and easy to use (and very affordable) tool for your district/school. To learn more visit www.kto8.com or contact Robin Hadden at rhadden@sunburst.com.

Robin Hadden, Sunburst




Technology Showcase B

Finding the Funding

Can you afford what you need on your current technology budget?  If not, or if you just want to see what might be available come visit with Tandberg and CSI and explore the world of grant funding and discover how we can work together to indentify, chase and capture funding in support of technology in your classrooms and schools.

Barbara Catenaci, Tandberg



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