
Concurrent Session 5

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                                                Concurrent Session 5




Thursday, March 4th from 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.


Meeting Room 202

Leadership in a 21st Century School

Mooresville Graded Schools have embarked on an extraordinary innovation through their Digital Conversion. They have redefined the educational experience for students. This session will provide a blueprint for changing the mindset and laying the foundation for creating a one-to-one environment. Leadership strategies for opening the educational horizon through the use of digital learning will be shared.

Julie Morrow, Mooresville Graded School District

Todd Wirt, Mooresville Graded School District

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 204

Can I Help You With That? The Student as Collaborator, Creator and Director

Your students can be your best helpers when it comes to planning, teaching and assessing learning, and are ready to help you make your classroom more collaborative, engaging and efficient.  Learn how you can use digital media and Web 2.0 to engage students and move them from the best seat in the house to the director's chair.

Justin Karkow, Discovery Education

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12




Meeting Room 301a

Moving Forward with New Essential Standards

Learn more about what is new and different in the recently approved Information and Technology Standards and next steps for implementation in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and local curriculum.

Gerry Solomon, NC DPI

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 301b

WordPress Mu: Your Ticket To Student ePortfolios

Discovery Blogs, our WordPress site, has enabled every one of our students to write for a real audience and create ePortfolios. Build Your Own!

Sam Morris, Cary Academy

Target Audience:  K-12,



Meeting Room 302a

Go Virtual!  Immersive Worlds for K-12

Join us as we explore some of the best virtual worlds available for use in K-12 environments. We'll explore some of the tools available, as well as teaching tips and tricks to leverage these immersive environments with your students. Best of all, the resources we'll explore are all free!

Amy Cheney, Appalachian State University

Terry McClannon, Appalachian State University

Target Audience:  K-12,




Meeting Room 302b

Chart New Adventures with Geocaching: Using GPS to Discover the Hidden Potential in your Students

Ahoy!   Stuck on an instructional island? Ready to PARRRRRT with traditional pencil and paper activities? Why not HOOK your students with geocaching?   In this session you'll discover how geocaching can enhance any curriculum, learn how to operate a GPS unit and gain access to our trove of geocaching booty (lessons).

Meg Swecker, Roanoke County Public Schools

Tina Coffey, Oak Grove Elementary

Holly Ireland, Herman L. Horn Elementary

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, Other, Technology Specialists




Meeting Room 302c

Becoming Transparent: 21st Century Leadership

Being an administrator is not easy work especially with growing accountability. How can you tap into free/cheap resources to best serve your community? Come learn some time-saving tips on using technology to work smarter not harder.

Marlo Gaddis, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Target Audience:  Administration,




Meeting Room 303

Going Global with Elementary Students

Are you interested in breaking down the walls of your elementary classroom? Do you want to bring rich experiences to your classroom that will allow your students to understand their roles as global citizens? Come explore programs, activities and opportunities designed for elementary students across North Carolina and around the world.

Kelly Hines, Chocowinity Primary School

Target Audience:  Elementary,




Meeting Room 304 (Featured Presenter)

Mentoring Digital Kids

In this session we explore the ArtSnacks network and look at the process of building a positive, online learning community. I discuss the issues of online safety and cyber-bullying and share resources to help teachers guide kids as they develop healthy, online behaviors. We'll discuss the emergence of digi- tal learners as well as strategies for empowering them as they grow up and make decisions that will affect them through their entire lives.

Kevin Honeycutt




Meeting Room 305a

10 Web 2.0 Tools to Engage your Students on a SMART board

Change the dynamics of your classroom using web 2.0 tools and your SMART board. This session will focus on 10 web 2.0 tools you can use on your SMART board to create content-based lessons that will have the students engaged and asking for more!

MaryAnn Sansonetti, The WH PLATTS Company

Target Audience:  K-12





Meeting Room 305b

It's STILL A Jungle Out There!

Last year, we brought you the best free tools that the web had to offer, within the hour they gave us.  Well, we have another hour, and much more stuff.  Come learn how to navigate through the swampy world of the Web to find the best free tools a teacher could ever want.

Mark Samberg, J.P. Knapp Early College

Abbey Askew, Hertford County Public Schools

Target Audience:  K-12, Administration,




Meeting Room 306a


A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate pages and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice, text, audio file, or video (via a webcam).  This session will cover how to plan a VoiceThread for your class and how to create a multimedia album with your students.

Maureen Davis, Albemarle Middle School

Lisa Thompson, South Stanly Middle School

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Other, Friends and family



Meeting Room 306b

Competiton, Games, and Learning

Why do students stay up ''way too late'' to earn honor points in games such as World of Warcraft?  What if we could tap into this energy and they want to do math?  Come see why students come early to school to earn ''stickers'' in www.firstinmath.com (27+ Million Problems 12/15/09).

Brett Eaker, Hart, Inc.

Target Audience:  K-12



Meeting Room 307

Read & Write GOLD – UDL Initiatives, Literacy Support for ALL Students

A demonstration of the power of Read & Write GOLD to impact a wide variety of student populations will be presented.  Various UDL initiatives as well as real lesson plan implementations will be reviewed.

Jeffrey Levinson, Texthelp Systems

Sally Gudger, Teacher – Harris Road Middle School

Target Audience:  K-12, SPED



Meeting Room 402 (1:30 pm - 4:30 pm)

***Note Extended Time

IMPACT Continuation Grantee Meeting





Apple Showcase Room 201

1:30 - 3:00 (1.5 hours) "Rigorous and Relevant Podcasts"

Having trouble making the curriculum relevant and engaging for the tech savvy student of today? In this hands-on session learn how to teach your curriculum to your students through the use of GarageBand to create captivating one of a kind real world Podcasts. Let the students do the work, while you facilitate the lesson.

Jose Garcia, Greene County Middle Schools, Apple Distinguish Educator



Technology Showcase A

Personalize Learning in the 21st Century Classroom – Engaging EVERY Student with Standards-Aligned Digital Resources

Where do educators find the digital resources they need to personalize learning, support the teaching of core subjects, and incorporate 21st century learning skills into their classrooms? Learn how netTekker delivers the best engaging digital resources organized by grade, reading level, curriculum topic, state standard, and more, making it easy to find exactly the right resource, at the right level!

Brandon Cohen, NetTrekker

Thomas Bain




Technology Showcase B

Video…Unlock the Power in Your ActivFlipcharts

Do you want to engage your students?  Do you want to add video to your flipcharts?  In this session, users will learn how to incorporate video and other forms of media in to Promethean flipcharts using the awesome power of ActivInspire, Promethean’s latest software.  Attendees will also receive resources to take back and use in their classrooms and schools.

Matt Barfield, Promethean, Inc.

Target Audience:  Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Technology

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