This is the 2010 Conference Wiki. The 2011 conference wiki is in progress and will be ready by mid-February, 2011. Visit the wiki at:
Concurrent Session 3
Thursday, March 4th from 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Meeting Room 202
Igniting Your Elementary Students for STEM
Pine Valley Elementary teacher Kelly Crowley will share specific ways to make it easy to integrate STEM instruction (science, technology, engineering and math) into your curriculum through engaging digital learning experiences - helping keep students motivated to remain in school and excited about these important subjects as they enter their later grades.
Kelly Crowley, Pine Valley Elementary School
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle,
Meeting Room 204
Accomplish Amazing Animations in the Classroom
Learn how students who are gifted and talented can use animation to meet curriculum goals and promote higher order thinking skills. Explore sample projects like advertisements, animated news broadcast, life cycles and more. Participants will leave with ideas for designing projects to match classroom objectives.
Scott Loomis, Tech4Learning
Target Audience: K-12, Media Specialist, Technology Specialist
Meeting Room 301a
E-rate 101
Since 1998, North Carolina's schools and libraries have received more than $400 million in E-rate discounts on telecommunications and other eligible equipment and services. This workshop will introduce and cover program rules, eligibility, eligible services, discount calculations, completing forms, vendor selection, CIPA compliance, invoicing, and document retention.
Barry Pace, NC Department of Public Instruction
Target Audience: K-12, Administration,
Meeting Room 301b
Beginning Podcasting: Connecting with the World
Calling all beginning podcasters! Get started podcasting with your elementary students. Learn how to create, edit, and publish podcasts. With the experience of a technology facilitator and a classroom teacher, learn how to integrate podcasts into project-based learning aligned with the North Carolina SCOS.
Tamara Ballard, Mooresville Graded School District
Vanessa Peoples, Mooresville Graded School District
Target Audience: Elementary,
Meeting Room 302a
Beyond Blended Learning: Reaching Every Student
Learning in the Knowledge Age takes place in a broader range of settings than we knew as students. This session explores the concept of blended learning and how it merges traditional and contemporary pedagogies to meet the needs of todayÌs learners. Discover how Blended Learning is simply good teaching.
Bobby Hobgood, LEARN NC - UNC School of Education
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration,
Meeting Room 302b
Discovering great online resources for teaching
Bring your laptop and come play with the latest free online teaching tools. The folks behind LEARN NCÌs Instructify blog will guide you show you the latest educational games, animation programs, and time savers, as well as cover how you can use them in class.
Jason Don Forsythe, LEARN NC
Bill Ferris, LEARN NC
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12,
Meeting Room 302c
Designing and Implementing an Employee Portal/Intranet Using Microsoft SharePoint
Join us as we share our district's endeavor to create and launch our first-ever employee portal, or intranet, which includes the ability to access personal files and folders from outside the school district's network, secure logins, and customizable resources.
Chris Hall, Gaston County Schools
Debbie Core, Gaston County Schools
Target Audience: K-12, Administration,
Meeting Room 303
Ride the Wave and Uncover Hidden Google Treasures
Google is much more than a search engine! Discover some of the tips I discovered while attending Google Teacher Academy. I'll share my top ten favorites features including: custom search, Docs, Wave, and more. Ten Google Wave invitations will be given away during the session.
Cindy Phthisic, Edenton-Chowan Schools
Target Audience: K-12, Administration,
Handout - Top 10 List
Meeting Room 304
The Web 2.0 You Might Not Know About
Sure you know about blogs and you might have facebooked with the best of them but Web 2.0 brought the ability to have dynamic interactive web sites. This presentation will introduce you to some of the newest and coolest Web 2.0 sites. We will allow time at the end of the class so you can share any possible Web 2.0 sites we might have missed.
Leslie Fisher, Featured Speaker
Meeting Room 305a
Come and learn about the many faces of SMART Response; Response PE, Response LE and Response CE.
In this session participants will learn how to effectively integrate SMART Response into any learning environment. SMART Technologies now offers 3 unique models which target various learning styles such as K–12, early education, special needs, and 1:1 learning environments. First we will look at SMART Response PE that is designed for most K–12 classrooms and includes wireless remotes (or clickers) that can deliver formative and summative assessments using a variety of question types including text responses. Next we will explore SMART Response LE which is designed for learners in early education and those with special needs. Lastly, we will learn about SMART Response CE which is designed for computer-enabled learning environments that allow students to respond from their own computers.
Shayla Rexrode, SMART Technologies
Notebook Presentation
Meeting Room 305b
Wiki Workout : Journey to Collaboration Fitness
Tech Facilitators used the wiki format to train several faculties to function as one collaborative unit when a Statesville K-5 STEM Magnet School was formed. Join them for Wiki Warmups (basic web 2.0 training), Wiki-Robics (sharing resources and best practices), and Wiki-Kickboxing (content-specific wikis). PBWorks
examples will be shared.
Deborah Icard, Cloverleaf Elementary School
Barb Thorson, Cloverleaf Elementary School
Target Audience: Elementary, Administration
Meeting Room 306a
Adventures in Mapping
Technology has given educators access to maps and mapping tools undreamed of a generation ago. But is more -- and higher-tech -- better? In this session we'll look at some of the tools and types of maps available and how teachers can make best use
of them in the classroom.
David Walbert, LEARN NC, UNC Chapel Hill
Emily Jack, LEARN NC
Target Audience: K-12
Meeting Room 306b
Baby Steps: Guiding a Traditional Staff to Online Collaboration
We expect students to be learning skills for collaboration; however, many of our school leaders and teachers have no idea where to begin in the world of digital partnering. The Internet offers an abundance of opportunities to allow educators to begin stretching beyond the school to share knowledge and inspiration. Web based tools and ideas will be presented.
Eric Cole, East McDowell Jr. High School
Keith Ledford, West McDowell Junior High School
Target Audience: Administration, Other, Department Heads / Lead Teachers
Meeting Room 306c
A Professional Network Case Study
Looking at the lack of collaboration in our schools and a focus on PLCÌs, we created a social network from scratch. Now, a year and a half old, we will share a case study of Gaston Digital, our grassroots effort to bring 21st century collaboration to our teachers.
Kyle Wood, Gaston County Schools
Jason Mammano, Gaston County Schools
Leslie Noggle, Gaston County Schools
Target Audience: Elementary, Middle, High, K-12, Administration
Meeting Room 307
School Improvement Through Online Professional Development
Explore the latest research on online professional development from e-Learning for Educators, and learn strategies for integrating quality online learning into your schoolÌs professional development plan. WeÌll discuss funding strategies, standards alignment, and opportunities from a wide array of online professional development providers in North Carolina.
Ross White, LEARN NC, UNC-Chapel Hill School of Education
Stephen Greene, NC Department of Public Instruction
Verna Lalbeharie, Friday Institute
Target Audience: K-12, Administration,
Meeting Room 402 (Featured Speaker)
Books are Dead…Use Technology to Enliven Your Literacy Program
Gail Lovely
Apple Showcase Room 201
9:45 - 11:15 (1.5 hours)
Looking for fun and creative ideas? Enhance your “i” and discover great tools that will transform you and your classroom. Find joy by cloning yourself in GarageBand, document in PhotoBooth, take a peek in iMovie and find your voice in iTunes. Discover technology as a necessary tool for both you and your students through MacBooks and iPods with a focus on elementary classroom examples.
Joy Jenkins, Cleveland Elementary Rowan-Salisbury Schools
Technology Showcase A
Using Smart Response with ClassScape
Learn how to integrate Smart Response with ClassScape, an online classroom assessment system that facilitates learning by focusing on curricular objectives.
Ashleigh Snyder, SEED COMM
Technology Showcase B
Why the CDI Way?
Especially with today's economic uncertainties technology budgets are usually slim to none. When your schools do have some cash flow how do you invest in technology effectively??? Come explore CDI's cost effective alternatives.
Russell Romualdo, CDI
Target Audience: K-12, Administrators, Other
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